Saturday, January 31, 2015

Wherefore art thou floor...?

So I have been on a cleaning and purging kick, because let's be real... Finding ants in your messy room is a GREAT motivator! 

At the same time I'm listening to music and decided, hey why not purge your music too? 

There is stuff on there from high school that I don't listen to at all anymore! In fact whenever it would come on I would skip it. So I'm doing a double time purge! The guiding question to whether to keep the song or not? If I had kids right now would I let them listen to my iPod. The answer was no, so I'm working on it until the answer is yes! 

Also I can actually see my floor now! I have a surprising amount of floor space that was just piled with stuff on it. But now I can even close my closet door., not to hide what's inside it either! It is organized and clean! 

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but I moved in September and I still have boxes that aren't unpacked. I also unpacked one of those! 

My room has always been a disaster zone growing up. My mind frame was that if a robber ever broke into my room, it was a self defense mechanism. One step in the door and they would trip and die... Okay it wasn't THAT bad. I'm not a hoarder, but definitely a lot nostalgic about things. I have a hard time parting with things, but I do part with them! 

Already I've gotten rid of 3 garbage bags worth of stuff!

If you're like me and have a hard time cleaning because it's such a daunting task, then here is a question to pose to yourself- but also some wise advice that I recieved from my mother: 
" How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time." 

So I've been working on small sections, completely cleaning them and I've only got a couple small sections left to go! I've got a small room and about two rooms worth of stuff, so the purging is very necessary. 

Anyways back to work I go! I want to make sure those ants leave for good! 


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