Thursday, February 11, 2016

The Band-Aid Kid

I was born in '91, and as such was the product of the  rule about playing outdoors. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself as an out-doorsy type person, but it is sad to see that many kids these days don't adventure into the imaginative wild backyard adventures like we used to.

I can say that as a kid back then that I fully appreciate getting booted outdoors to play, especially when I attempted to watch TV on a Saturday; but I am grateful now that I had that.

I didn't like playing outside a lot as I am a particular sort of klutz, and by particular I really mean I  I was the biggest klutz around (true story)!

I would always fly around the corner and ricochet off of the open folding closet door. I would run into things a lot, and the only possible explanation has to do with skewed depth perception. Or simply a lack of spatial awareness. Or both.

I was constantly getting slivers and blisters upon my blisters (literally) from monkey-bars and old playground equipment.

As such I always had a plethora of band-aids on the go and at the ready in my backpack.

I recall one time I fell off my bike (I think I was 11 or so) right in front of this elderly man's house. He see's me fall, and stands up to come see if I need any help. He reaches me and asks "Hey kiddo, are you alright?". I just look up at him as I pull a bandaid out of my backpack, slap it on my knee, and say "Yup, all good!". I sprang back onto my bike and rode the rest of the way to school.
He was nice. But I was also prepared (knowing how I can be).

Which leads me to Sunday...

I tried to open a ring package with an X-ACTO KNIFE.

Long story short it wasn't worth it. All I could do while running to the bathroom (after inevitably hurting myself), was smack my forehead, call myself stupid and go for the band aids.

Yup. Twenty- five years of living, and I am still 'the band aid kid'.
Dumbest thing I've done in my twenty-fifth year of life so far.

Of course my family teased me endlessly, and I could only join in. What was the point in agonizing over it?
So now I am banned from X-Acto knives, and my poor thumb is protesting at its mistreatment.

Needless to say I decided the ring wasn't worth it. So I gave it to my sister (who was more than happy to take it off my hands) and I could only lamely say "Hey I bled over this for you."

Ha ha, oh well lesson learned. I won't buy rings from that store anymore...