The Mom Blog

Calling all mothers!

Some of my favorite moments are when I go onto facebook and see the utterly hilarious posts of everyday mom-hood things that happen to a friend of mine. She has this really awesome sense of making everyday frustrations, like toddlers painting their hair with unknown and nameless substances; or even when the little tyke dumps their food and decorates literally everything with it, but then suddenly wants moms food because it is better than what they had.

I love her posts.
And now that I'm close to parenthood myself, I said to myself. THAT will be my niche. Finally something I want to write about on my blog! Something that people can relate with and will hopefully find funny.
And hey, it might just keep me sane enough to take the normal every day frustrations and turn them into something positive and funny. Might keep my child alive longer. Seems like a really solid plan.

And do I think that being 6 months pregnant qualifies me for such a topic when I have no out- of- body children yet?
YES! It definitely does!

I hated that on mothers day, when I was technically pregnant, in church all the mothers were given chocolate bars and I was bypassed.
"Hey! I may LOOK like I'm fifteen, but I'm new and have a husband and have you ever seen me here before? NO! And no I don't have a baby in my arms, but in my belly! Give me that chocolate bar, I'm having pregnancy cravings and if you don't give it to me I'll-!"

I could continue, but for all of your sakes, I won't. I am absolutely positive that I am not the only soon to be mom out there that has had a situation similar to this occur. I wouldn't even doubt people being gaudy enough to flat out tell a person "You're not a real mom."
UM, yes. We are. And I have the baby room set up to prove it!
We are growing our child in the womb. And we want to be mothers. We will be mothers in a few months! And last but not least, do you have ANY idea what we go through in pregnancy that I feel entitles us to the honored name of mother!?

Seriously! I have no doubt in my mind that after all we have been through and have suffered (yes, suffered) for our kids before they are even born. We have earned the right to be called mothers. And I hope that all you mothers out there agree with me! You've been there! You know!

Each and every pregnancy is different. I ask my mother for advice about all of hers all the time. Only to realize, well... I didn't have that. Or this is going on, but it didn't for any of yours, the doctor says it's normal.

Word of advice to all of us first time moms, please don't look up stuff online. Not unless it is like the or something useful. Pretty much anything that us millenial's look up, usually end up with us believing we have cancer or something else equally as horrid.
Do yourself a favor and just don't. Go to your doctor. I have learned pretty quickly that I know absolutely nothing when it comes to all the many changes, both good and bad, that come with pregnancy.

I actually use an app called Ovia Pregnancy. You can download it for free and it is really amazing. It shows you where you are in weeks, what baby is developing that week, how you might be feeling, etc. You can track your weight and symptoms. Even comes with the research links at the bottom of various artickles. You can take polls and see what other moms who also use it are at and what they are going through, etc. This helped me a lot. But it also lead to the inevitable. Where it tells you at month five "Braxton Hicks might start up soon. Most first time mothers don't notice it, but it is nothing to worry about."
Then it hit. At five months. I asked around and most people told me it was too early to have Braxton Hicks happen, let alone for me to feel anything. Went to my prenatal check up and told the doctor what I was feeling and where and she said "Oh yeah. That's Braxton Hicks. It's normal and nothing you can do about it." So I guess I was prepared mentally. That doesn't mean I was prepared physically. They can really hurt. I know now what it feels like to feel like something is literally trying to explode out of your stomach and rip you apart. Thanks baby.

Then what happens when you get sick? You can't just take any type of medication willy-nilly. That's a big no-no. For everything you have to check with your doctor to know it is safe. And in my case this week, I realized that I would have to suffer through the throbbing, stuffed nose, pounding head, body aches everywhere, and worst of all the horrendously scratchy throat, cold that I had. And I'm kind of a wimp. For even the slightest headache I usually turn to ibuprofen.

The things we do for our kids.

That phrase immediately came to mind. And hey it might be my first child, but my younger sisters were born when I was old enough to babysit them already. So I have some pretty clear memories of many more moments to come of "The things we do for our kids". DO these experiences prepare me for having my own child? I'd like to think so. But will they actually prepare me? Probably not.

So hey, lets live through those starting to get sleepless nights at 6 months. Believe that they will prepare us for late night or even midnight feedings and diaper changes. They probably won't prepare us for anything or everything. But lets just believe that we can be strong and confident mothers together. It might make us naïve, but at least it feels good.
Just don't let the evil hormones of pregnancy win and make you cry over the wifi not working, or even when a friends baby shower gets rescheduled. Everything will be okay.
Or do cry. Maybe your husband/ significant other will give you some chocolate or a cookie. That would be worth it!

So here is to sharing the experiences and becoming mothers! May the stories ever stay funny (after the initial frustration!)

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