Food/ Health

I hear over and over again about how you should blog about what you love.
Well I love a whole lot of things, but I'm not really a master of any of them.

However, one of the things I am constantly battling and then researching over and over again is health and fitness, and lots of delicious foods!

Because who wouldn't want to eat right, and eat what they love and still lose weight?

I have struggled with what our family affectionately calls a "food- baby" for years. YEARS. And I will admit that half the battle stemmed from me either not caring about what I frivolously ate, or being too lazy to exercise, or BOTH.

Let's be real... it is definitely both for me.

And one of the biggest cop-outs I always tell myself is that I simply don't have time.
Yeah well, Jess... get your crap together. How much TIME do you spend on Netflix? Or on your tablet?

I bet you if I stopped doing either of those things for a month I would find out exactly how much time I really have.

But one thing at a time. (I'm not ready to give up my Netflix yet!!)

Long story short, this page will be for those amazing recipe's that I find and want to share, as well as my discovery on proper nutrition and the right kind of fitness. Because I know that I am not the only young adult out there that loves to splurge on a fast food, Oreos and Netflix diet. And I know I'm also not the only one out there afraid to commit to the gym, or too procrastinating to start eating healthier.

And I also know I'm not the only one who wishes I could gorge myself on the same quantity and quality of foods that those Monster Metabolism Humans can.
Believe me, I wish I was one of them. As I'm sure a lot of us do.
But we aren't.
The first step is to admit it to ourselves ladies and gentlemen (whomever you might be).

I will do the best I can to back up my findings with links and with actual research (not Wikipedia... they let anyone on there these days). Because I have never gone to school for it, but I have wished that I was numerous times. It is beneficial to learn, no matter where we start from. And since I am no expert, I will try and refer to those who are.

So I hope you will enjoy this journey with me! Good luck to you all!

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